Builder/Buyer Services Group
PO Box 901467
Kansas City, MO 64190

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Our Role


While your builder still "owns" your new home warranty, BBSG provides the engine for implementation.

Welcome to BBSG!

Builders warranty their new homes, and quality builders want to assure a fair and equitable relationship during the Builder warranty period. Builder/Buyer Services Group is the provider of Warranty Expert Care (WE-CARE) for developers and builders who are committed to caring for their buyers during the post-closing warranty period.
WE-CARE is a collaborative process with our builders and homeowners to manage their new home warranty. Our systems and relationships with expert partners empower us to respond consistently and appropriately to builder and buyer customer service expectations. We assign each builder a dedicated WE-CARE specialist and support National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) standards, local codes, and each builder's specific standards.
While the builder retains "ownership" of the new home warranty, BBSG serves as the buyer point of contact during the first year builder warranty period. Our methods are unique and effictive. BBSG's WE-CARE webportal documents the customer service process from request to resolution. Our work is job proven, efficient, logical and functional. Quality builders, subcontractors and homeowners have benefited from BBSG WE-CARE since 1998.